President-elect Barack Obama should take note – health reform is about the little things just as much as it is sweeping changes to the system.
Information gathered from a batch of more than 8,500 meetings held around the country in December will be compiled and used to help design the healthcare proposal that has been in the news as of late. Obama’s transition team plans to post some of the material at
One particular meeting took place late December 2008, between newly appointed secretary of health and human services, the former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, and more than two dozen seniors During this meeting, seniors told Daschle that they placed more importance on certain things such as waiting times to see their doctor, the increasing cost of prescription drugs, and the narrow range of Medicare coverage for certain medical procedures, equipment, and treatments.
An Example for Health Care Reform: Alzheimer’s
One woman at the meeting cited her family’s history of Alzheimer’s disease for her hope that the new administration will put heavy emphasis on medical research. A man said that helping people live healthier lives should receive more emphasis than it currently does – not only to improve health, but also to reduce medical costs for individuals and the nation as a whole. Another man says he wants medical providers to show more concern for the people they treat than whether or not those people will pay their medical bills.
Daschle says that lawmakers are more likely to get behind a new health care system if voters provide enough incentive pressure. And it seems that the transition team is listening: The Obama administration is encouraging seniors to submit their own stories about health care – and any other issues they think need to be addressed.
The team should also take one final note: The current effort to gather information about the health care system has been compared to the 2005-2006 attempt by the Citizens Health Care Working Group. More than 6,500 people participated in meetings across America, and a further 14,000 participated in online surveys. The Congress-sponsored group eventually recommended guaranteed health coverage for certain doctor’s visits, and some ways to protect people from high health care costs – but none of its recommendations were acted upon.
Let’s hope that this new round of meetings prompts some real change.
photo credit: woodleywonderworks